Posts tagged ‘Dennis Anderson’
by jstupec, posted on Wednesday, June 4th, 2014 at 8:25 pm
To unseat what essentially is a ghost incumbent in the 14th district of northern Illinois, Democrat Dennis Anderson has decided to take his message to the people of the district by holding 20-25 town hall meetings. In St. Charles on Tuesday, Anderson said the only thing that will prevent more meetings is securing venues to hold them.
This is Anderson’s
second run for this office and he feels he learned a lot from the previous loss to make him a much stronger candidate. Anderson, who is now retired, said he is not looking for a career in politics. He vowed to do his best to address the issues of the day and if the voters of the district liked his accomplishments they would return him to office. With approximately fifty voters in attendance, Anderson limited his opening comments to a brief history of his past. After that he began taking questions regarding his views on every possible issue facing the nation today.
Here’s a synopsis of issues raised and his view regarding them:
Tags: 2014 elections, charter schools, Citizens United, common core, concealed carry, Dennis Anderson, drugs, education, electorate, health care, IL-14, Illinois, Kane County, net neutrality, poverty, St Charles IL, U. S. Congress, U. S. House, veterans, Veterans Administration, voters
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by Downtowner, posted on Thursday, October 17th, 2013 at 10:30 am
I don’t intend to engage in hyperbole, hysteria, or histrionics this morning – that’s apparently something that Randy Hultgren sees as his job – but I don’t want Hultgren’s vote last night to continue the government shutdown, and default on the nation’s debt, to pass unremarked.
Last night Randy Hultgren was the only member of the Illinois Congressional delegation to vote to continue the wildly expensive government shutdown.
That’s right, the only one, of either party.
Tags: 2014 elections, Dennis Anderson, IL-14, Randy Hultgren, Tea Party, US House
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by jstupec, posted on Saturday, August 24th, 2013 at 7:41 am
I attended the Anderson Announcement:
For the past two years we in the IL14 congressional district have had a do-nothing Republican Tea Partier as our representative in the US Congress. Due to gerrymandering, the district stretches from almost the Wisconsin border south to Yorkville, Il. On the east there’s the Fox River and the district bulges to the west occasionally but it’s a difficult district to campaign in because of the time consuming distances necessary to meet as many constituents as possible. In the 2012 election, Dennis Anderson came from out of nowhere to take 41% of the vote from a well-funded Republican (Randy Hultgren). Anyone who has been watching this useless House of Representatives knows exactly what his voting record is. This country must change the balance of power in the House and we have a truly superb candidate that will work hard for District 14 and, ultimately, all of the people of America.
I could try to paraphrase Dennis’ very impressive biography and where he stands on issues but that wouldn’t do him justice so I’m going to take the easy way out and let you read the good news. The speech was delivered on August 18th, 2013.
To donate, go to the Anderson Facebook page at and click the ActBlue (AB) button or email the campaign at You know the drill, volunteering and donations to help him fight for us. Dennis gives us the chance to change Congress.
Tags: 2014 elections, Dennis Anderson, IL-14, Illinois, Randy Hultgren, U. S. House
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by Ellen McClennan, posted on Thursday, June 28th, 2012 at 7:01 am
“I have a job and I have health insurance,” Representative Hultgren (R IL-14) said, and then paused for a moment proudly emphasizing the Republican spin talking point that when one has a job, one automatically has health insurance. It’s as if life is that simple. If you work, the spin goes, you have insurance. He was attempting to say that if we have jobs, we don’t need a national health insurance plan. We don’t need “Obamacare.”
The subtle part of this ‘argument’ is that not only is it flawed logically, it blames the victim. If you don’t have insurance, it’s because you don’t have a job. A job will furnish good insurance. And if you don’t have a job, it’s because you’re either not looking, or—to serve the Republican spin even further—it’s because Obama won’t do what the Republicans want so people can have jobs. So therefore, we can all blame Obama.
But this time his audience at the Oswego Town Hall meeting was not buying it as I noticed they have in the past. No one applauded. No one said, “Yeah!” There was silence as Hultgren paused and looked around for support he did not get.
Tags: 2012 elections, Affordable Care Act, David Edelman, Dennis Anderson, health insurance, IL-14, Illinois, Kendall County, Obamacare, Oswego IL, Randy Hultgren, Town Hall Meeting
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by Ellen McClennan, posted on Thursday, June 28th, 2012 at 7:00 am
Representative Randy Hultgren (R IL-14) showed typical Republican spin at his Oswego Town Hall meeting recently. When asked direct questions regarding taxes, healthcare, social security, and Citizens United, he was long on spin, wrong on facts, and empty of solutions.
One frustrated attendant who tried to get a direct answer on healthcare, commented after the meeting that Hultgren “…seemed detached and unfeeling. His voice was just so syrupy and sweet he appeared unbelievable and unconcerned.”
His comments on Social Security were a surprise but shouldn’t have been, given the Republican Party’s relationship to corporate money and financial companies wanting to gamble with social security investment money.
“I’m not planning on Social Security,” Hultgren said. “Most people my age aren’t planning on Social Security.”
Tags: campaign contributions, Citizens United, David Edelman, Dennis Anderson, healthcare, IL-14, Illinois, Kendall County, Oswego IL, Randy Hultgren, Social security, taxes, Town Hall Meeting, U. S. Supreme Court
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by n0madic, posted on Monday, April 23rd, 2012 at 7:00 am
Democratic primary
Tags: 2012 elections, campaign ads, Dennis Anderson, Frank McClatchey, IL-14, Illinois, Jonathan Farnick, Randy Hultgren, The Campaign Archive, U. S. House
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