Democratic primary
David Gill
campaign website:
Dr. Gill advocates for LGBT Equality
For Sale
The Faber Files (Decatur) – David Gill
PDA Illinois – Dr. David Gill
Illinois Public Media – Conversation with the Candidates: David Gill
Matthew Goetten
campaign website:
Matt Goetten: One of our own in Congress
Meet Matt’s Family
Sen. Dick Durbin Endorses Matt Goetten for Congress
Illinois Public Media – Conversation with the Candidates: Matt Goetten
Illinois Public Media – Goetten and Gill – 13th Congressional Debate
Republican primary
Michael Frisching
campaign website:
Tim Johnson
campaign website:
Illinois State Fair Address
Litchfield Town Hall – January 26, 2012
MSNBC’s Martin Bashir interviews Congressman Johnson
Frank Metzger
Samuel Spradlin
campaign website:
Spradlin for Congress 2012-Immigration/Border Security
Do you have any campaign literature you can share with us? Mailers, postcards, door hangers, palm cards, flyers, stickers, buttons … we would love to add any and all of these in order to compile as comprehensive an archive as we can.
Any race, any party, from anywhere in Illinois. Whatever you have to share, we’d be happy to have it.
If scans are available, that’s all we really need, but if it’s easier to just put something in an envelope and mail it to us, that’s fine too. So, whether you’re a campaign looking for one more way to get your message out or you’re just a voter whose mailbox is overflowing with campaign lit you’re willing to send our way, if you’ve got something to share, please write us at and we’ll work out the details.
Tags: Becky Doyle, campaign ads, campaign literature, David Gill, Erika Harold, Frank Metzger, IL-13, Illinois, Jerry Clarke, Kathy Wassink, Matthew Goetten, Michael Frisching, Rodney Davis, Samuel Spradlin, The Campaign Archive, Tim Johnson, U. S. House