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Dennis Anderson begins string of town hall meetings in bid to win U.S. House seat in IL-14

by , posted on Wednesday, June 4th, 2014 at 8:25 pm

To unseat what essentially is a ghost incumbent in the 14th district of northern Illinois, Democrat Dennis Anderson has decided to take his message to the people of the district by holding 20-25 town hall meetings. In St. Charles on Tuesday, Anderson said the only thing that will prevent more meetings is securing venues to hold them.

This is Anderson’s

second run for this office and he feels he learned a lot from the previous loss to make him a much stronger candidate. Anderson, who is now retired, said he is not looking for a career in politics. He vowed to do his best to address the issues of the day and if the voters of the district liked his accomplishments they would return him to office. With approximately fifty voters in attendance, Anderson limited his opening comments to a brief history of his past. After that he began taking questions regarding his views on every possible issue facing the nation today.

Here’s a synopsis of issues raised and his view regarding them:



Dennis Anderson Announces (IL-14)

by , posted on Saturday, August 24th, 2013 at 7:41 am

I attended the Anderson Announcement:

For the past two years we in the IL14 congressional district have had a do-nothing Republican Tea Partier as our representative in the US Congress.  Due to gerrymandering, the district stretches from almost the Wisconsin border south to Yorkville, Il.  On the east there’s the Fox River and the district bulges to the west occasionally but it’s a difficult district to campaign in because of the time consuming distances necessary to meet as many constituents as possible.  In the 2012 election, Dennis Anderson came from out of nowhere to take 41% of the vote from a well-funded Republican (Randy Hultgren).  Anyone who has been watching this useless House of Representatives knows exactly what his voting record is.  This country must change the balance of power in the House and we have a truly superb candidate that will work hard for District 14 and, ultimately, all of the people of America.

I could try to paraphrase Dennis’ very impressive biography and where he stands on issues but that wouldn’t do him justice so I’m going to take the easy way out and let you read the good news.  The speech was delivered on August 18th, 2013. 

To donate, go to the Anderson Facebook page at and click the ActBlue (AB) button or email the campaign at You know the drill, volunteering and donations to help him fight for us.  Dennis gives us the chance to change Congress.



Walmart Workers Protest Working Conditions

by , posted on Monday, October 8th, 2012 at 1:54 pm

The strike is now over but I wanted to submit this to show what the strikers went through. They are heroes.

On Friday, Oct 1, I protested with the Walmart warehouse workers in Elwood, Illinois. I am with Jobs with Justice of Northern Illinois and we were there to show support for workers who are in just such a position and need some moral support

to show they are not alone in their fight. Other unions also backed the strikers.

It was a typical rally with an off site location across from the gigantic warehouse where the contents of trailers are unloaded into the facility and are re-loaded for distribution to local Walmart stores. Several of the speakers were “strikers” who walked off the job after trying to deliver a grievance petition to their management and were ignored and fired from their jobs. They told of inhuman working conditions where the temperatures inside the trailers parked outside in the sun reach up to 130 degrees on summer days.



Whats wrong with the Boy Scouts?

by , posted on Saturday, October 6th, 2012 at 11:43 pm

We had a very hot summer this year and recently I decided to repair damage to the lawn in front of my house.  I’ve had some success with it recently even though I started with seeding the bare spots.

A week ago I was watering the newly seeded and, essentially, watching the grass grow.  I still had places where I wished I would have put down more seeds but, alas, I was out of seed.   I looked up and coming toward me was a family with a young boy (maybe 13 years old) and his father pulling a wagon with a young child in it followed by mom.   I greeted the family and asked them if they had any grass seed for sale, anticipating the inevitable pitch for some fund raiser.  He said they had no grass seed but did have some pop corn that would be a good alternative.  I said I still had 3 boxes from previous fund drives but could I just give a donation?  He said sure and the youngster in the lead come over wearing his boy scout shirt and said the drive was for funds for his troop.  I gave him five dollars, he thanked me and they went on their way.  Just an all American scene, no problem.

