Posts tagged ‘Jean Pierce’

Money Grab: Heather Steans, Chicago School Closings and K12 Inc.

by , posted on Friday, March 29th, 2013 at 9:16 pm

State Senator Heather Steans and Stand for Children are ultimately responsible for Chicago school closings and the recent increase of charter school applications like the 18-district virtual charter initiated by K12 Inc. in the Chicago suburbs.

Rahm Emanuel, Barb Byrd-Bennett, Heather Steans, Jonah Edelman

Rahm Emanuel, Barb Byrd-Bennett, Heather Steans, Jonah Edelman

I started researching SB79 and HB 5825, the legislation that created and gave the Illinois Charter Commission super “override powers” and autonomy from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).  If SB7 gave education activists concern, SB79 and HB 5825 should have started a five-alarm fire.

Because of SB79, K12 Inc., a for-profit, Wall Street-traded company applied for a virtual charter scam in 18 suburban school districts.  Why are they doing this?  K12 Inc. anticipates that the state charter commission will override local rejections of their taxpayer rip-off scheme and approve the charter despite overwhelming local opposition.



Aurora Pension Discussion – Videos and Bios

by , posted on Monday, January 7th, 2013 at 4:15 pm

A special thanks to our distinguished panelists (list and video links below), State Representative Linda Chapa LaVia, East Aurora High School and all of the volunteers who helped make one of the first “democratic pension discussions” a success.

Other blog and press coverage of the event can be found at, Tim Furman’s blog, The Daily Herald, and The Aurora Beacon News (Suntimes affiliate).

Below the fold are all of the videos from the event.  We are also asking people to sign a petition that pushes for new funding proposals to fund pensions, create jobs and restore Illinois’ fiscal health.  These proposals are outlined by economists in the videos below.



NIJWJ Forum: Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia and Rep. Elaine Nekritz

by , posted on Monday, January 7th, 2013 at 12:16 am

from Northern Illinois Jobs with Justice

Illinois State Representatives Linda Chapa LaVia and Elaine Nekritz address the Northern Illinois Jobs With Justice forum, “Funding Strong Schools and Fair Pensions,” East Aurora High School, Aurora, Illinois, January 2, 2013.


NIJWJ Forum: Dr. Jean Pierce, “A Graduated Income Tax”

by , posted on Monday, January 7th, 2013 at 12:14 am

from Northern Illinois Jobs with Justice

Dr. Jean Pierce addresses the Northern Illinois Jobs With Justice forum, “Funding Strong Schools and Fair Pensions,” on the benefits of moving to a graduated state income tax, East Aurora High, Aurora, Illinois, January 2, 2013.
