Posts tagged ‘Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice’

Rats Found at Buona Beef in Montgomery

by , posted on Wednesday, April 7th, 2010 at 7:19 pm

I stopped by the Montgomery Menard’s (I boycott anti-union Home Depot for their CEO’s effort to kill the Employee Free Choice Act) to pick up some drill bits last week and saw a picket in front of a Buona Beef that was going up in front of the Menard’s.

As I walked over to the

picket line, I found several Fox Valley labor leaders and friends holding signs in front of about 10 inflatable rats.  When I asked what was going on, my friends informed me that the owner of Buona Beef was out for an inspection and they were sending a message. 



Honk for Single Payer Healthcare!

by , posted on Thursday, September 10th, 2009 at 10:01 pm

On the eve of Barack Obama’s healthcare speech on 9/9/09, residents from Illinois’ 14th District took to the streets to encourage the President of the United States to push for comprehensive healthcare reform, Medicare for all.

Thanks to Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice and the Aurora Peace and Justice group, about 50 people showed up from all walks of life to show their support for the expansion of Medicare to all Americans. More people congregated as people got off of work and those that could not stop and join us used their horns to show their support.

The Beacon News covered the event here and an in-district blogger, Bill Baar, covered it here. More photos are available here.

Single payer rally Single payer vigil healthcare5 healthcare1