Posts tagged ‘Dean Koldenhoven’

Lieutenant Governor Candidate Selection Process Attracts the “Best of the Best” Candidates

by , posted on Monday, March 22nd, 2010 at 9:21 am

On Saturday, March 20th, I took careful notes while attending one of the six public forums used to select a Democratic Lieutenant Governor.  I was at the Bolingbrook location, where 20 of the 40 anticipated applicants showed up to audition.

As a political activist and candidate, I have been to literally hundreds of coffees, fundraisers, rallies, press conferences and political events as part of the grueling process of running for public office.  Based on this experience, I think I can state with some authority that the first-round selection process used to vet potential candidates to be Governor Quinn’s running mate brought out the best candidates I have ever seen in a room full of people seeking public office. 

