Posts tagged ‘Curtis Johnson’

Tweet, Click, Post, Share: How the Web Made Trayvon Martin Global News

by , posted on Thursday, April 12th, 2012 at 1:35 pm

new video from the New Organizing Institute

Almost overnight, Trayvon Martin’s tragic story became a global news headline that put the issues of racial justice, inequality, and gun laws in the public and political dialogue.

But the story didn’t break the next day. It took nearly three weeks before it caught fire. And the story wasn’t pushed into the public sphere by news media; it was driven by social media and online organizing, until traditional outlets took notice.

– Rashad Robinson, ColorOfChange (@rashadrobinson)
– Maria Roach, Activist, Creator of “Justice for Trayvon Martin” Petition (@riaro)
– Mark Glaze, Director, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (@markcglaze)
– Tim Newman, Senior Organizer, (@tnewmstweets)
– Curtis Johnson, Online and Social Media Specialist, NAACP (@curtjohnson)
