IL-14: Hultgren town hall meeting video, Yorkville, August 29, 2011

by , posted on Tuesday, August 30th, 2011 at 7:12 am

Originally posted at robynsward’s YouTube Channel.

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2 Responses to “IL-14: Hultgren town hall meeting video, Yorkville, August 29, 2011”

  1. chef jeff says:

    Yes, I was there last night. More talking points and little substance from what little I could hear WAAAY in the back! Full room, but most of the people standing by me were loud and supportive of Congressman Hultgren. I think most of the Progressives got there early enough tot get good seats because I managed to just barely hear some of the questions and statements for Mr. H. Some were right on point, saying that many of us voters are not in favor of things such as the Bush taxcuts, war against Social Security and other earned benefit programs (I never say entitlements because they are earned by us!!!)

    Also brought up were the questionable signing of the Grover Norquist (whom I affectionately call Grover Norquisling, for WWII history buffs.), no tax raises ever pledge. No tax hikes, ever? Not even in case of national emergency? Aren’t congressmembers supposed to pledge to uphold the Constitution? What makes this Norquisling pledge supercede that pledge? Uphold the Constitution, which at times requires raising the tax leveles? Which one will the pledgees follow and obey? Makes me wonder.

    Anyway, it was a pretty sedate meeting before I had to leave at about 7:00. My headlight went out and I didn’t want to get a ticket. But I had a chance to talk with one of Mr. H’s. staffers in the local office. More on that in a blog entry I willbe writing for this site.


    Chef Jeff Tendick
    Proud Progressive and Forward Thinking individual.

  2. […] Hultgren says he supports full disclosure, but he remained quiet when an avalanche of secret corporate money elected him to Congress last year. Two powerful secret money groups, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Future Fund, ran ad campaigns against his opponent, incumbent Rep. Bill Foster (D-IL). Both the Chamber and AFF have refused to reveal their sources of money. The Chamber has acknowledged, following a ThinkProgress investigation, that it solicits foreign money into the same legal entity used to run partisan attack ads. (See more video from the event at: Progressive Fox) […]

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