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by Ellen McClennan, posted on Thursday, June 28th, 2012 at 7:00 am
Representative Randy Hultgren (R IL-14) showed typical Republican spin at his Oswego Town Hall meeting recently. When asked direct questions regarding taxes, healthcare, social security, and Citizens United, he was long on spin, wrong on facts, and empty of solutions.
One frustrated attendant who tried to get a direct answer on healthcare, commented after the meeting that Hultgren “…seemed detached and unfeeling. His voice was just so syrupy and sweet he appeared unbelievable and unconcerned.”
His comments on Social Security were a surprise but shouldn’t have been, given the Republican Party’s relationship to corporate money and financial companies wanting to gamble with social security investment money.
“I’m not planning on Social Security,” Hultgren said. “Most people my age aren’t planning on Social Security.”
Tags: campaign contributions, Citizens United, David Edelman, Dennis Anderson, healthcare, IL-14, Illinois, Kendall County, Oswego IL, Randy Hultgren, Social security, taxes, Town Hall Meeting, U. S. Supreme Court
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by Ellen McClennan, posted on Monday, May 28th, 2012 at 7:00 am
You could identify the politicians at Illinois’ Capital Building by their demeanor. And the same for the lobbyists who were courting their attention. Watching them all was like watching ‘Singles Date Night’ at a local country club. Only instead of alcohol being the drug of choice, it was power and influence. But if you didn’t have the power and influence of either a politician or a lobbyist, the politicians treated you like a peon.
Last week during Illinois’ General Assembly session, people came to Springfield to speak with their Senators and Representatives. They were requesting a seat at the table where changes to the Illinois’ pension system and Medicaid system are being made.
Most of them were teachers and state mental health workers, all worried about cuts their Senators and Representatives were rumored to be planning for their jobs and their pensions. They were easy to identify given they wore green shirts printed with the letters of their union, AFSCME.
Tags: AFSCME, graduated income tax, IL-29th State Sen, IL-47th State Rep, IL-49th State Rep, IL-93rd State Rep, Illinois, Illinois General Assembly, Jil Tracy, Medicaid, Patricia Bellock, pensions, speculation tax, Susan Garrett, Tim Schmitz
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by Ellen McClennan, posted on Friday, May 25th, 2012 at 8:19 pm
“We don’t lower taxes here in Illinois,” State Representative Tim Schmitz (R) 49th district, said. “I’ve been here for fourteen years and we’ve never done that.”
“Even if it means lowering those taxes would bring in more than $6,300,000,000 in revenue for Illinois?” she said she asked.
She could hardly believe her ears. Perhaps he didn’t understand. So she explained how a graduated income tax would work for Illinois. She pointed out that forty-three states already have this kind of tax, that it would provide relief for middle and low-income residents, and that research has shown it boosts consumer spending and the local economy.
Tags: budget, graduated income tax, IL-49th State Rep, Illinois, Illinois General Assembly, Medicare, pensions, speculation tax, Tim Schmitz
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by Ellen McClennan, posted on Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012 at 7:00 am
It was a simple ride with a stranger on a train. She and I were both carrying signs from the Nurses United Rally in Chicago held on Friday, May 18. By our signs, we both knew we were on the same side of the political ‘discourse.’
Of course, the word ‘discourse’ is such a polite word that it implies what is going on in our national political blood fest is polite. It is anything but. And that is exactly what we were talking about.
“What can they be thinking?” I asked, thinking there is no real answer.
“That’s the problem,” she replied. “They’re not.”
And for the first time in a long time, I had the opportunity to think out loud with another person who was also thinking out loud about the nastiness, vitriol really, that is going on in our national political scene.
For the first time I began to understand. I began to see the big picture of how and why people can so easily be influenced to believe and act in ways that are so contrary to their own self-interests.
Tags: baby boomers, conservatives, political psychology, right-wing
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by Ellen McClennan, posted on Monday, May 21st, 2012 at 7:49 pm
We’re a country needing some heroes. And we really need them here in Illinois where for decades politicians have joined with the rest of our country’s politicians in selling out the middle class, starving the funding for our public schools and communities, and protecting large corporations and the One Percent.
For forty years, at the state and federal level, politicians have worked for big business interests attacking our labor unions, pension plans, small farms and businesses. Big business interests lobbied politicians, sometimes people in them became politicians or formed “Think Tanks” to lobby politicians. They ended regulations (Glass-Steagall) and opened up the banking system to gambling. They’ve gambled 401 Ks and mortgages. They lobbied for corporations to become monopolies. They lobbied for tax breaks, loopholes, and subsidies.
This has been a systematic, well thought out plan carried out by large moneyed interests and big business. A corporate lawyer named Lewis F. Powell in 1971 first outlined the plan on paper. Powell wrote a long memo to Eugene Sydnor, Jr. the then Director of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Called the Powell Memo, it outlined the plan for advancing corporate influence by deregulating corporations, building an array of institutions to push for unbridled corporate capitalism, and to diminish individual’s interests. It targeted unions and schools.
Tags: economy, education, Illinois, Illinois General Assembly, pensions, Powell Memo, teachers, Wall Street
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by Ellen McClennan, posted on Sunday, May 20th, 2012 at 8:40 pm
He was a shirtless man walking around the crowd of demonstrators holding up a sign that read: “Since you politicians are going to f&#k me, you could at least wear a condom.
That’s 99% effective.” The young man said he was angry politicians have slanted healthcare legislation in the direction of the 1% and left the average person out of the equation.
While there was understandable frustration like this expressed by some at the rally, most of the signs were directed toward solutions. One read, “Heal America. Tax Wall Street,” and on the back, “An Economy for the 99%. Healthcare for all. Jobs with Dignity. Quality Public Education. A Healthy Environment.” Or, another sign, “Single Payer Healthcare.” Another read, “Real Funding. Speculation Tax,” and another, “Tax Wall Street.”
Tags: Chicago IL, Cook County, economy, Illinois, National Nurses United, robin hood tax, speculation tax, Wall Street
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by Ellen McClennan, posted on Sunday, May 20th, 2012 at 7:29 pm
A five-year-old girl sitting in a wagon held a sign that read, “How can this be my fault? Tax the 1%”
Her mother, Dr. Annette DeAngelis-Marshall, who came to the teachers’ rally in Naperville this past Thursday,
May 17th, was pulling her. Dr. DeAngelis-Marshall is a special education teacher consultant and advocate who came to the rally as a citizen, taxpayer, and teacher to demand attention from politicians enacting pension changes for Illinois teachers.
“I’ve tried to speak to Darlene Senger but she doesn’t listen to me.” DeAngelis-Marshall said.
Senger is on Governor Pat Quinn’s task force charged with the job of changing the teachers’ pension system. Frustration with Senger was echoed by dozens of other people attending the rally. Approximately two hundred people were there. While most were teachers, some were union workers, college students, Occupiers, retired teachers, and just plain parents. All were taxpayers with a stake in good public schools.
Tags: Annette DeAngelis-Marshal, Darlene Senger, DuPage County, education, Educators United for Strong Public Schools, graduated income tax, Illinois, Illinois General Assembly, Jane Bruggeman, John Laesch, Joni Lindgren, Mary Shesgreen, Naperville IL, Northern Illinois Jobs with Justice, Pat Quinn, pensions, robin hood tax, Roger Sanders, speculation tax, Stand for Children, teachers, Teachers Retirement System, TRS, Vincent Gaddis
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by Ellen McClennan, posted on Sunday, May 6th, 2012 at 10:06 pm
A group of about forty people from Northern Illinois Jobs With Justice gathered in the noon day sun outside Illinois Senator Mike Noland‘s office in Elgin on Friday, May 4th. The people wanted Senator Noland to hear their concerns about the lack of revenue and funding for Illinois teachers’ pensions. Senator Noland is one of four legislators appointed by Quinn to a task force to solve this issue. While earlier State Senator Mike Noland (D-Elgin) had informed the group he would not be present to respond to their rally, he unexpectedly showed up
John Laesch, from NIJWJ, announced the rally was about the group’s concern regarding the State’s lack of funding for teachers’ pensions, but Noland didn’t seem to understand until the end of the rally that the citizens standing before him had not been sent by the Illinois Education Association (IEA) and were instead concerned citizens and workers—about half of whom happened to be teachers.
“This is a workers’ issue. And we are concerned that our legislators have not funded our teachers’ pensions. We have a revenue problem here. This is a concern to all taxpayers and to all people who work for a living,” said Laesch.
Tags: Bill Barclay, education, Elgin IL, IEA, Illinois, Illinois Education Association, Illinois General Assembly, John Laesch, Kane County, legislation, Mary Shesgreen, Mike Noland, Northern Illinois Jobs with Justice, pensions, speculation tax, tax reform, teachers, Teachers Retirement System, TRS
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