Posts tagged ‘Sunlight Foundation’

Political Party Time: Corporations, Donors With Billions at Stake Fund Lavish Events at DNC

by , posted on Thursday, September 6th, 2012 at 6:00 am

from Democracy Now!

The celebratory mood in Charlotte was on display Tuesday night as thousands of delegates kicked off the Democratic National Convention and millions watched on TV. But the political party continues beyond what the public sees on prime time broadcasts or even inside the convention center. There are exclusive events underway that range from corporate-sponsored parties hosted by the powerful Democratic Governors Association to a Super-O-Rama party hosted by the the three top Democratic super PACs, where the recommended contribution starts at $25,000. We’re joined by the Sunlight Foundation‘s Liz Bartolomeo, who has been keeping an eye on the hundreds of events reserved for big donors and powerful figures.

See also: The Sunlight Foundation’s Political Party Time website
