Posts tagged ‘jobs’
by Downtowner, posted on Saturday, August 6th, 2011 at 6:38 pm
My son spent last year and part of this one deployed in eastern Afghanistan, so the loss of dozens of troops we’ve experienced today in eastern Afghanistan strikes me much more personally than it might have a couple of years ago. It also strikes me as tragic that it takes such a large mass of casualties for the mainstream media to care enough to give an Afghanistan or Iraq war story headline room; most days, despite the fact that we most likely lost a man or woman or several in one of these wars on that day, it’s hard to tell from the press that we are still at war in two countries. Throughout my son’s deployment I struggled every day, every single day, to come to terms with the fact that he might not come home alive, and every single day I failed to be able to get my head around that.
One day I would get news of several of his friends and fellow platoon members being wounded or killed, another I would hear about some incredibly dangerous situation he somehow miraculously escaped unscathed, on another I would learn of plans and dreams he just hoped he would be able to come home and put in motion and I would be in tears with the fear that he would never have that chance, and then on yet another day I would hear…nothing at all. And those silences were the most terrifying by far. It was a terrible year.
My heart grieves for these 31 soldiers who will not come home to live out their dreams. May their families and loved ones find peace and comfort. As I said, I was never able to get my head around how one could possibly ever find peace or comfort in these circumstances, but it is my fervent wish for them nevertheless.
Tags: Afghanistan, Barack Obama, deployment, economy, Iraq, jobs, military, U. S. Army, U. S. Marines, unemployment
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by Downtowner, posted on Thursday, August 4th, 2011 at 4:35 pm
Though this one is a bit of a biggie: the Down closed down 512 points, its worst day since 2008, you know, the last time our economy crashed into the most serious recession since the Great Depression.
But, not to worry, as I pointed out yesterday, we’ve solved all of our economic problems.
Next up: jobs report, due out tomorrow. But I’m sure that will be good news. Lots of people are saying that it’s going to be good news. Sure, none of the unemployed people I know are saying that, but lots of people are optimistic. I know I read that somewhere on the intertubes.
Tags: depression, Dow Jones industrial average, Great Depression, Great Recession, jobs, monthly jobs report, recession, stock market, unemployment
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by Downtowner, posted on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011 at 12:26 pm
Really, I can’t thank those Tea Partiers enough for making all the right moves to ensure that we continue to push the Great Recession well along the way toward becoming the Greatest Depression.
Today we’ve learned that in the wake of the Debt Ceiling Deal of Doom being signed, sealed and delivered, the stock market continues an alarming slide and the Chinese have downgraded our credit rating. A special shout out to Enabler in Chief Barack Obama, for his exquisitly choreographed moves in response to the Economic Terrorists in Congress. But I want to reserve my most special shout out of all for local Illinois Economic Terrorists Randy Hultgren and Joe Walsh, because it’s just not easy for two freshmen congresscritters-turned-economic-terrorists to accomplish so much in such a short time. Helluva Job!
Damn. I just used the “j” word didn’t I? Sorry, so sorry. Forgot. We are all supposed to be pretending that there is no problem with one in ten Americans being unemployed by obsessively focusing on a deficit that could be much better handled if we just worked on getting them jobs. Damn. Did it again didn’t I?
Well, will just have to hope that Congress is so busy right now that they failed to notice someone worried about jobs. I think it’s more likely than not.
Tags: Barack Obama, Chinese, CNN, debt ceiling, depression, Economic Terrorists, economy, FAA, Great Recession, Greatest Depression, IL-14, Illinois, Illinois Economic Terrorists, jobs, Joe Walsh, kabuki, Matt Taibbi, Randy Hultgren, recession, stock market, Tea Party, U. S. credit rating, unemployment
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by Downtowner, posted on Thursday, July 22nd, 2010 at 8:44 am
This morning the Labor Department clued us in to something most of us living out here in the real world already know: no jobs for you.
New claims for unemployment insurance jumped by 37,000 to a seasonally adjusted 464,000, the Labor Department said Thursday.
Tags: economy, Great Depression, jobs, recession, U. S. Department of Labor, unemployment
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by Downtowner, posted on Wednesday, July 21st, 2010 at 6:27 am
I know this woman – let’s call her Sue, since both she and her company shall remain nameless, you know, to protect the innocent, and by innocent I mean Sue and definitely not her company – who works for a large corporation which provides a service that is actually doing well right now. Sue says that, as the corporation is well aware and loves to tout, their service is actually in demand in a down economy, so actual sales are up and business is booming. But this is not stopping them from maximizing profits at workers expenses. Because the down economy is providing them with the opportunity to do so, or as the managers put it: “because we can.”
Tags: economy, Hump Day Jobs Report, jobs, recession, reduction in force, RIF, unemployment
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by Downtowner, posted on Wednesday, July 14th, 2010 at 9:39 am
I hear so much about jobs, and am so obsessed myself with the subject lately, that I decided to spend some time pondering who is working where and how that’s working out for them. And what better day to do that than hump day?
Tags: economy, Hump Day Jobs Report, jobs
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by n0madic, posted on Friday, July 2nd, 2010 at 12:00 pm
Tags: Aurora IL, Batavia IL, economy, Elgin IL, environment, Found Objects for a Friday Afternoon, green jobs, history, Illinois, jobs, Kane County, Sandwich IL
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by Downtowner, posted on Monday, June 28th, 2010 at 2:25 pm
Paul Krugman’s Sunday column about the Depression he believes we are experiencing the early stages of made me think about the state of affairs here in Obama’s home state of Illinois. The whole column is worth a read, but it was this part that caught my attention:
The Obama administration understands the dangers of premature fiscal austerity — but because Republicans and conservative Democrats in Congress won’t authorize additional aid to state governments, that austerity is coming anyway, in the form of budget cuts at the state and local levels.
As states go, I think I can make the case that Illinois is at the forefront in already having achieved “premature fiscal austerity” and the effects on actual individuals, particularly in the area of job loss, are worth looking at, for we are in the unique position of being the bellwether for the nation in this area.
Tags: depression, economy, Illinois, jobs, Paul Krugman
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by Downtowner, posted on Tuesday, June 30th, 2009 at 8:52 pm
While n0madic has been pondering the mystery of whether or not Foster will be running again in 2010, Foster has been busy brewing a mystery for me to ponder.
Foster has signed on as a co-sponsor of Barney Frank’s internet gambling bill.
I don’t claim to be very familiar with this issue, but I can’t help but be aware that at least two large employers in IL-14, the casinos in Elgin and Aurora, are potentially threatened by the legalization of internet gambling.
So, yes, all other potential ethical questions related to gambling addictions, etc, aside, I’m more than a little surprised that Foster would sign on as a co-sponsor.
I asked for a statement regarding his co-sponsorship, and Shannon O’Brien, his spokesperson, has replied tonight by e-mail with this:
No, we have not made a public statement on this subject.
So the mystery of why it seems like a good idea to Foster to put jobs in IL-14 in possible peril in these tough economic times abides.
UPDATE: 2,332 jobs to be exact
Tags: Barney Frank, Bill Foster, gambling, IL-14, Illinois, jobs, legislation, revenue, U. S. House
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