Posts tagged ‘Ben Nelson’

Giant Insurance Company Giveaway Eve: Abortion Coverage is the New Opt-Out

by , posted on Saturday, December 19th, 2009 at 11:01 am

More on the concessions to ensure Ben Nelson gets greater control over my body (at least if I live in a Red State) from NYT.

Under Mr. Reid’s proposal, health insurance plans are not required or forbidden to cover abortion services, but there is a major exemption that would give states power to prohibit abortion coverage in the insurance markets, or exchanges, where most health plans would be sold.

Oh, also, Reid was also apparently required to sweeten the deal by outright buying Nelson off:

Mr. Reid’s amendment also includes a substantial increase in federal contributions to Nebraska’s costs of providing Medicaid coverage to the poor.

Which, of course, does not extend to abortion coverage. Because, you know, they are poor.


Giant Insurance Company Giveaway Eve: Nelson Speaks

by , posted on Saturday, December 19th, 2009 at 10:46 am

Well, CNN is reporting that Ben Nelson is feeling a bit more in control of my body, so a happy camper overall.

He says:

“Anyone who is in the exchange who also gets a federal subsidy because they’re poor, if they choose a private insurance policy and want any kind of abortion coverage, they have to write that part of the premium from their own personal funds.”

Offhand I’d say that means most poor women getting subsidies will elect not to write that additional check for the coverage – can’t afford to, really, if you are poor.

No word on whether Nelson’s other demands, such as cutting the aforementioned subsidies, have also been met.
