This is an audio file of District 131 President Annette Johnson verbally assaulting and threatening district employees. When I was elected, I had heard rumors of this kind of behavior, which Annette’s supporters call, “passionate.” But, this smoking gun proof is downright scary.
There should be no room for bullying – students bullying each other, teachers bullying students, administrators bullying staff and, the board bullying either staff or administration.
Please sign my petition calling for Annette Johnson to resign.
Sadly, District 131 has had enough bad ink spilled over Ms. Johnson’s antics. And, my preference was to resolve this issue quietly. I asked Ms. Johnson to resign. She said that she would not. So, our only hope now is that we put enough community pressure on her to vacate her position on the board.
Annette is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Worse yet, if District 131 board members are serious about finding a new administrator that can move the district forward, they need to recognize that it will not happen as long as this reckless behavior is driving the district’s decision-making. For the good of the district, I will happily remove this post when she resigns.
People gave me a hard time when I called on Denny Hastert to resign in 2006 after he covered up sexually inappropriate behavior between Representative Mark Foley and a young male page. I know that where there is smoke, there is typically fire. It turns out that I was right about Denny Hastert.
And, I am confident that the tape recording of Ms. Johnson is not an isolated incident. If you have witnessed this kind of behavior with Ms. Johnson, feel free to leave an anonymous post. If you have the courage to share it with the rest of the board, better yet. I recognize that Johnson uses terror-tactics to drive fear into those she seeks to control. Indeed, she verbally assaulted me one night after I voted against her wishes over the expulsion of a kid.
Or, feel free to contact me or any other board member if you have experienced this kind of behavior – 630.878.7454.
Tags: Annette Johnson, Aurora IL, East Aurora School District 131, education, Illinois, Kane County
Sounds like she needs to get back to those AA meetings.