I made the following analogy about a month ago and it seems to really help people understand…
The current health profit system is a rigged roulette wheel that you can never break even on although you don’t know it because until you lose you think you can win.
Since no one else sees each individual playing and understands the rates of payment denials, everyone else keeps playing and saying it’s fair. No one else realizes that when you hit on the wheel and need care that the house tells you you aren’t covered so everyone else keeps playing the game thinking they are safe and will be paid if they hit and need payment of bills.
The fact is currently they don’t even let you play if you show signs of possibly hitting on the wheel before you start (preexisting conditions). Then if they let you play and you pay on the wheel over and over in premiums and you then get sick and need payoffs, They reexamine your entrance preexisting conditions and attempt to deny you a payoff if they can.
Then if that doesn’t work they tell you that you won’t get all the payoff you thought you were covered for when they sold you on playing their roulette wheel and so they leave you in thousands of dollars of debt in uncovered bills.
No one would play a rigged roulette wheel like that if those disclosures were made up front.
Why should anyone accept a rigged health profit system like that?