Dr. Ron Baiman addresses the Northern Illinois Jobs With Justice forum, “Funding Strong Schools and Fair Pensions”, East Aurora High School, Aurora, Illinois, January 2, 2013.
Illinois State Representatives Linda Chapa LaVia and Elaine Nekritz address the Northern Illinois Jobs With Justice forum, “Funding Strong Schools and Fair Pensions,” East Aurora High School, Aurora, Illinois, January 2, 2013.
Dr. Jean Pierce addresses the Northern Illinois Jobs With Justice forum, “Funding Strong Schools and Fair Pensions,” on the benefits of moving to a graduated state income tax, East Aurora High, Aurora, Illinois, January 2, 2013.
Retired teacher Maria Owens addresses the Northern Illinois Jobs With Justice forum, “Funding Strong Schools and Fair Pensions”, East Aurora High School, Aurora, Illinois, January 2, 2013.
Dr. Willian Barclay address on the proposed speculation sales tax, at the Northern Illinois Jobs With Justice forum, “Funding Strong Schools and Fair Pensions,” East Aurora High School, Aurora, Illinois, January 2nd, 2013.
Dr. Vincent Gaddis address on “The Impact of Cost Shift on Aurora Students” at the Northern Illinois Jobs With Justice forum “Funding Strong Schools and Fair Pensions,” East Aurora High School, AUrora, Illinois, January 2nd 2013.
Retired teacher Fred Klonsky address on “The Politics of Pension Reform,” at the Northern Illinois Jobs With Justice forum “Funding Strong Schools and Fair Pensions”, East Aurora High School, Aurora, Illinois, January 2nd, 2013.
With just 13 days to go until America goes over the fiscal cliff – progressives across America are asking why President Obama chose to put Social Security cuts on the bargaining table. Why is the president letting Republicans hack away at Social Security – instead of presenting progressive solutions that can help us avoid the cliff?